Germany – Federal Network Agency: UHF study names base requirement of 96 MHz for culture

Germany – Federal Network Agency: UHF study names base requirement of 96 MHz for culture

Germany – Federal Network Agency: UHF study names base requirement of 96 MHz for culture 1889 890 SOS - Save our Spectrum

The study published today by the Federal Network Agency argues for the preservation of TV UHF frequencies for use by PMSE.

The study recognizes culture’s need for spectrum in the TV-UHF spectrum – daily base requirement 96 megahertz – and writes (page 75):

“In 2014, the EU Commission assumed that the requirements (at that time) were locally up to 144 MHz, with a daily spectrum requirement (“pedestal requirement”) of 96 MHz. It can be assumed that maximum requirements in particular have increased significantly since then.”

Alternative spectra are usually not usable because they are either.

a) susceptible to interference, or

b) can only be used in closed rooms (1350 to 1400 MHz), outdoor is used by the military, or

c) they require the 5G standard. Study acknowledges that 5G is (unfortunately) not an option for radio microphones: “Extensivefurther development work needed.” (page 79)

That is, cultural frequencies will continue to be needed for radio microphones, in-ear systems, etc.

In the area of analysis of terrestrial television transmission, the study sets premises that are, however, hardly tenable. In this area, the study is not convincing.

A more detailed analysis will follow.

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