New study: 40 percent have spectrum shortages for events and culture

New study: 40 percent have spectrum shortages for events and culture

New study: 40 percent have spectrum shortages for events and culture 1800 1200 SOS - Save our Spectrum

A very good new study has been published at the “Berlin University of Technic”:

“Investigation of the effects of a 3rd digital dividend on the use of wireless transmission technology in the event industry” by Florian Glaß

(in German language, English abstract on page 4)

In his work, author Florian Glaß uses older and more recent studies and publications (including Beutler, Fischer/Ackermann, Fischer/Stratix, Künzi, Völzke, Wilzeck; Allianz für Rundfunk- und Kulturfrequenzen, APWPT e.V., ARD/ZDF, BNetzA, IGVW, Goldmedia PMSE-xG, SOS, Sennheiser, Shure, etc.).

The work also consists of a survey that he conducted in the event industry.

Core statement of the work:

 “The survey carried out also showed that almost 40 % of the companies surveyed had already been affected by spectrum bottlenecks and as a result had to reduce the extent to which they used radio technology at events. The problem is therefore very much present at the companies and is not an isolated incident.” (pages 46 and 63)