
SOS in Africa: “Spectrum Insights Africa” launched

SOS in Africa: “Spectrum Insights Africa” launched 1403 674 SOS - Save our Spectrum

“Spectrum Insights Africa” is a newsletter, written exclusively for people with interest in the sub 700 MHz spectrum use and management in Africa. The newsletter will periodically include: Special reports with comprehensive analysis of current trends; Seminars to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange; Papers on spectrum management challenges and opportunities. Joe Frans from “Spectrum Insights…

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The World’s Most Successful Music Festivals

The World’s Most Successful Music Festivals 1920 1024 SOS - Save our Spectrum

With live music, it’s different, with many acts and bands reportedly primarily making their money touring and selling merchandise. According to the most recent edition of PwC’s Global Entertainment and Media Outlook, global live revenues almost rubberbanded back to pre-pandemic levels in 2022, surpassing $20 billion and estimated to grow to $25 billion by 2027.…

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EU with spectrum policies under its control? Not a good idea

EU with spectrum policies under its control? Not a good idea 1280 850 SOS - Save our Spectrum

What a bombshell! Just a few weeks before the European elections, the European Commission has published a new white paper entitled “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”. Among other things, it plans to bring spectrum policies, which have so far been primarily national, completely under the curatorship of the EU. So far, the CEPT…

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