Glastonbury Festival needs frequencies between 470 and 694 MHZ

Glastonbury Festival needs frequencies between 470 and 694 MHZ

Glastonbury Festival needs frequencies between 470 and 694 MHZ 953 1191 SOS - Save our Spectrum

“Without continuous access to the entire 470-694 MHz frequency range, it becomes impossible to host an event like the Glastonbury Festival,” says the new EBU study “BROADCASTERS’ SPECTRUM NEEDS FOR AUDIO PMSE APPLICATIONS,” which we linked to here:


Especially in these times of fake news and hate speech, broadcasting continues to be of great importance for democracies in Europe. To fulfil this task, broadcasters carry out a large number of high-quality productions every day.

Wireless microphones are the basis of every broadcast production: in film and drama productions, sporting events, reportage formats, breaking news, but also in narrative formats, documentaries, entertainment and music productions. The demand for wireless production tools has been increasing for years.

Since the release of the 800 MHz and 700 MHz bands, which severely reduced the available spectrum for wireless audio productions, a shortage of frequencies has become more common in daily production as well as for large events. Measures such as more complex and costly frequency coordination, lower radiated powers and narrow band techniques that limit the audio quality and, in extreme cases, substitution of wired equipment, can restrict artistic freedom and increase production costs.

While there are several frequency bands available for the use of wireless audio production, the only frequency range harmonized across Europe and sufficiently large is 470-694 MHz. This frequency range is also physically best suited for audio PMSE as it provides good propagation characteristics, low power consumption and a compact device design with suitable antenna length and complementary sharing arrangements with DTT. Other frequency bands are less used due to various reasons, including limited capacity or availability, less suitable physical properties or lack of industry support and equipment. Therefore, these bands are a complement but not a substitute for the band 470-694 MHz.

Compared to other frequency ranges, the band 470–694 MHz offers a wide choice of devices on the market which also can be used on an international basis – an essential requirement for the cultural industry. Currently, this band is by far the most heavily used and vital frequency range for audio PMSE. For all the above reasons, the PMSE sector has no alternatives but to continue to rely on access to the frequency band 470-694 MHz.

Therefore, no regulatory change shall be introduced in this band.