These European countries are for „No change” for UHF at WRC-23

These European countries are for „No change” for UHF at WRC-23

These European countries are for „No change” for UHF at WRC-23 626 485 SOS - Save our Spectrum


These countries share the position of APWPT e.V. and SOS – Save Our Spectrum for a “No change” at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023. The UHF band between 470 and 694 MHz must be preserved for media and culture!



CPG#5, 25.-29. April 2022, Bornholm

Spain provided the following statement:

In relation to the WRC-23 Agenda Item 1.5 – UHF review, during this CPG meeting two potential options for the ECP on the subject of the UHF review have been proposed for its development in ECP at the next PTD meeting. Spain wants to reflect in these minutes that the only position that Spain supports is the option 1 of No Change. Spain considers that at this moment it is not appropriate to introduce changes regarding the use of the UHF band, therefore our point of view is that PTD should only work in the elaboration of an ECP based in Option 1. Possible changes regarding the use of the UHF band could be considered at a later stage depending of the evolution of different scenarios.




Input France: Upgrade of the radio astronomy service (ECP “mobile allocation”),  PTD#7, August 2022

Although France does not support the ECP option proposing a primary allocation to the mobile service in the band 470-694 MHz, some suitable revisions of the RR are proposed with the aim to place radio astronomy service and mobile service with an equal status in Region 1, while not changing the status of radio astronomy with regard to the broadcasting service (ie, no protection).


UK, 22.10.2022

“….In summary and noting the points raised above, our preliminary view is that “No Change” would meet the UKs interests recognising our national usage of the band today. On this basis Ofcom has supported that a “No Change” position is fully considered in the CEPT discussions. This would retain the primary broadcasting allocation and footnote recognition for PMSE, as the identified harmonisation for the band….

…. Finally, we reflect that should a mobile allocation and possibly an IMT identification in the 470-694 MHz band be made at WRC-23, the UKs continued use of DTT in the band would be in full compliance with the Radio Regulations. This is because we would strongly support a retention of the primary broadcasting allocation in the band. Whilst not a matter for the WRC, the UK would also still retain its television broadcasting channel allotments agreed at the Regional Radiocommunication Conference “Geneva 2006”24. We do however recognise that the UK’s continued use of DTT in the band could limit the potential of several geographically close European countries from being able to deploy mobile broadband in the band because of the interfering levels from high power broadcasting assignments. We do not consider that the UKs use of PMSE in the 470-694 MHz band, would be materially affected by any potential European use of the band for mobile broadband whilst our use of the band for DTT is retained.”



Ofcom’s recent call for input on the UK position for the ITU World Radio Conference (WRC 23), published June 2022, made public our preference for ‘no change’ to the international spectrum allocation to broadcast at this point in time ie. not supporting the proposal to allocate mobile services in the International Radio Regulations on a co-primary basis alongside with the existing allocation for Broadcasting services.




Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, 7 – 11 November 2022

Date issued:

31 October 2022




Comments on the Draft ECP proposing No Change for WRC-23 AI 1.5

Italy supports No Change without reconsideration of the subject at a future WRC.



Statement by Mr. Florian Tursky, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Finance in Austria, at the EBU Technical Assembly (June 15th, 2023): “Austria is for No Change”. Tursky also made a clear commitment to 5G Broadcast.



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Czech Republic

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