Why it’s so difficult to get a frequency

Why it’s so difficult to get a frequency 1200 575 SOS - Save our Spectrum

Carlos Arthur Nuzman, president of the Rio de Janeiro Organizing Committee for Rio 2016 Olympics, visits the United Nations Office at Geneva in April 2016. Foto: Rio2016/Andre Luiz Mello SOS wants more frequencies for radio microphones. Actually it’s very simple: frequencies are allocated by the relevant national frequency authority. Or are they? – Unfortunately, not…


Battle for spectrum enters its next crucial round

Battle for spectrum enters its next crucial round 1024 683 SOS - Save our Spectrum

World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) 2012 at the Centre International de ConfĂ©rences GenĂšve. Here: Signing ceremony in the plenum. Photo: ITU Following the auction of “Digital Dividends 2” to the mobile telephone network operators, users and manufacturers of wireless production technologies repeatedly find themselves confronted with significant losses of spectrum. This acute shortage of frequencies is…
